Streaky Back bacon – Dried and Cured

Our streaky bacon is made from the finest cuts of pork belly and has the perfect proportion of meat to fat. This crispy, flavoursome bacon, adds a rich but delicate taste to any meal it is added to, whilst being delicious on its own.

The bacon is chosen from the best cuts of pork loin and as with all of our bacon range, the meat is dry-cured, so there is no added water, ensuring that our bacon is served the way it should be.

  • To get your bacon extra crispy, heat your oven to 200 degrees, put the bacon on a sheet of baking paper, and then add a second sheet on top. Weigh it down by adding an ovenproof dish on top and cook for 15-20 minutes. It makes the perfect bacon for salads or even sprinkled on soup.
  • Using an oven is the best way to cook your streaky bacon. By cooking in an oven, it means there is no spitting, no burning and minimal shrinkage.
  • For a brunch to impress, serve your streaky bacon American style, crispy with American pancakes and maple syrup.

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